We like it or not the world is moving toward Cryptocurrencies (Digital Money). Bitcoin was first one that created and introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 18 August 2008.
Bitcoin started with 1 cent and started to grow fast that in 2009 the price jumped to over $1200.
Soon many developers and big companies took the idea and created similar coin with even better feature and less issues such as Etherum, Light Coin, Ripple, EOS, NYC and so on.
In 2017 this market become so hot all of a sudden that the Bitcoin price skyrocketed to over $20,000 and all other altcoins jump more or less with the same percentage.
One of the biggest issues that holds most of the official exchange market to completely accept the Crypto world is their volatility and security. And of course still banks and governments are against it since they can’t control people’s transactions.
Obviously all those issues and any other will be solved and most of these cryptocurrencies will become a part of our lives.
Now the question is are you ready for that?
The first thing you need is more knowledge about this world and then having the right tools to have hands on them.
You can start this with us. We hold your hand and walk you through into every important part in this path increase your confident and security so you can be ready to enter to this world sooner.
And of course as you may have heard a lot you can make some big profit out of it too.
Training and Seminars:
We schedule some training sessions and some seminars often and depends on the frequency of request we may schedule some special event from time to time.
You can register these sessions that fits with your free schedule at our event calendar and once we meet the minimum of participants we confirm the session and will inform you right away.
Events Calendar:
From time to time we schedule some training sessions and seminars to educate everyone on Crypto Currency world.
Topic like “What is Crypro Currency”, “How you can buy or invest”, “What are the risks”, “How to protect yourself”, “Which on is better”, “How can be used” and so on.
We can buy and sell:
We are official re-seller of Netcoins.com which means we can sell most of popular coins with the best rates face to face.
We are proudly member of New York Coin community and support this coin. This means we can even accept this coin as our service fees with 25% permanent discount.